Every roof is different. In essence, each roofing system has varying needs. That’s why only expert roofers should perform a roof replacement. Professional roof contractors ensure the success of a roof replacement project.

Dark blue shingles on a roof replacement

Additionally, we can take care of the issues that an ordinary person may not know thoroughly. To help you understand how our experts in roofing in Columbus, OH, work, here are three common issues that we solve:

No Leak Barrier and Drip Edge

Roof Replacement According to GAF, lack or inaccurate installation of drip edge can lead to untimely damage to your deck and fascia. It can also serve as the entrance to the attic for insects and small animals. On the other hand, incorrect installation of the leak barrier makes the valleys, eaves, vertical walls, and other parts vulnerable to leaks. A leak barrier gives extra protection to areas with punctures caused by fasteners or nails. A good roofer won’t miss adding a drip edge and a leak barrier, so choose a contractor wisely.

Lack of Ventilation

Another common blunder is not adding enough ventilation. Correct attic ventilation makes proper airflow possible. It keeps your attic cooler in warm months and drier during cold months. Adequate ventilation also cuts down on your monthly energy bills. Did you know that proper ventilation could extend the life of sheathing and roofing materials? Likewise, it reduces the chances of leaking. Given these many benefits, make sure you don’t skip on adding proper ventilation.

Improper Maintenance

Some homeowners think that their responsibility to their roofs ends after its installation. The job is just starting, however. Once we install your new roof, you need to be proactive on maintenance to make sure it can last longer than its original life expectancy. Kerrigan Roofing & Restoration offers a comprehensive maintenance program that aims to eliminate your need for frequent fixes. We are equipped with the latest innovations in the industry, which makes maintenance hassle-free.

Keep this list handy and be guided in your next roof replacement project. The best solution for various roofing problems is always getting expert help. Kerrigan Roofing & Restoration is the go-to company in Cincinnati, and surrounding areas. We specialize in replacement, maintenance, ventilation, and roof repair in Cincinnati, OH.

Call us today at (937) 848-6056 to learn more about our services. We would also be happy to schedule a FREE roof inspection. Simply fill out our form on the right side of our Contact Us page.

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Tyler Larson


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