What Are the Types of Roof Trusses? The 9 Best Options To Consider For Your Home

Are you considering a new roof for your home or building project? Understanding the different types of roof trusses is essential for making informed decisions about your roofing needs. Roof trusses are structural frameworks that support the roof and distribute the weight of the roof to the building’s walls. They play a crucial role in the stability and strength of your roof. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of roof trusses commonly used in construction, their characteristics, and applications.

Introduction to Roof Trusses

Roof trusses are prefabricated components designed to span the width of a building and provide support for the roof. They are typically made of wood or metal and are engineered to ensure the structural integrity of the roof. Trusses are manufactured off-site and then transported to the construction site for installation. They offer several advantages over traditional roof framing, including cost-effectiveness, speed of installation, and design flexibility.

Common Types of Roof Trusses

  1. King Post Truss: The king post truss is one of the simplest and most commonly used types of roof trusses. It consists of a vertical post (king post) supported by two angled beams that extend from the post to the top of the truss. King post trusses are suitable for small to medium-sized roofs and can span up to 8 meters.
  1. Queen Post Truss: The queen post truss is similar to the king post truss but features two vertical posts (queen posts) instead of one. This design provides additional support and allows for larger spans compared to the king post truss. Queen post trusses are commonly used in larger roofs and provide a traditional aesthetic appeal.
  1. Fink Truss: The fink truss is a popular choice for residential and commercial buildings due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. It features a W-shaped pattern with internal bracing that provides excellent structural support. Fink trusses are versatile and can accommodate various roof shapes and sizes.
  1. Howe Truss: The howe truss is characterized by its diagonal beams that slope in opposite directions, creating a distinctive X-shaped pattern. This design offers superior strength and stability, making it ideal for larger roofs and heavy roof loads. Howe trusses are commonly used in industrial and agricultural buildings.
  1. Scissor Truss: The scissor truss features a unique design with angled bottom chords that intersect at the center of the truss, resembling a pair of scissors. This design creates vaulted ceilings and allows for increased ceiling height and architectural interest. Scissor trusses are often used in residential construction to create spacious and visually appealing interiors.

Specialized Roof Trusses

In addition to the common types mentioned above, there are specialized roof trusses designed for specific applications:

  1. Attic Trusses: Attic trusses are designed to create additional living or storage space within the roof structure. These trusses feature a raised heel to accommodate insulation and allow for a full-height room or storage area in the attic.
  1. Parallel Chord Truss: Parallel chord trusses have a flat roof appearance and are commonly used in modern architectural designs. They consist of parallel top and bottom chords connected by vertical and diagonal web members, providing a sleek and minimalist aesthetic.
  1. Gambrel Truss: Gambrel trusses are characterized by their steeply sloped upper chord and shallower lower chord, creating a classic barn roof shape. Gambrel trusses maximize headroom in the attic space and offer a traditional look that is popular for residential and agricultural buildings.
  1. Bowstring Truss: Bowstring trusses feature a curved top chord that gives them their distinctive bow-shaped appearance. These trusses are commonly used in large industrial and commercial buildings, such as warehouses and aircraft hangars, where long-span roof structures are required.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Roof Trusses

When selecting the right type of roof truss for your project, several factors should be taken into consideration:

  1. Roof Span: The span of the roof will determine the type of truss that is suitable for your building. Different truss designs are capable of spanning various distances, so it is important to choose a truss that can adequately support the roof without sagging or buckling.
  1. Roof Load: Consider the weight of the roof covering, snow, wind, and other loads that the roof trusses will need to support. Ensure that the truss design is capable of handling the anticipated loads to prevent structural failures.
  1. Aesthetic Preferences: The architectural style and aesthetic preferences of the building should also influence the choice of roof truss. Different truss designs offer unique visual appeal and can enhance the overall look of the structure.
  1. Cost and Efficiency: Evaluate the cost of different truss options and consider factors such as installation time, labor requirements, and long-term maintenance costs. Choose a truss design that provides the best balance of cost-effectiveness and structural performance.

Why Choose Kerrigan Roofing?

When it comes to installing or replacing roof trusses, choosing a reputable and experienced roofing contractor like Kerrigan Roofing in Dayton and Columbus, OH, can make all the difference. Here are some reasons why you should consider Kerrigan Roofing for your roofing needs:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Kerrigan Roofing has been providing high-quality roofing services for years and has a team of skilled professionals with extensive experience in roof truss installation and replacement.
  1. Quality Workmanship: Kerrigan Roofing is committed to delivering superior craftsmanship and using top-quality materials to ensure long-lasting and durable roof trusses that meet your specific requirements.
  1. Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is a top priority at Kerrigan Roofing. They strive to provide excellent service, clear communication, and timely project completion to ensure a positive experience for every client.
  1. Licensed and Insured: Kerrigan Roofing is a licensed and insured roofing contractor, giving you peace of mind knowing that your roofing project is in the hands of qualified professionals who prioritize safety and compliance.
  1. Local Reputation: Kerrigan Roofing has built a strong reputation in the Dayton and Columbus, OH, areas for their reliability, integrity, and commitment to excellence. They have a track record of successfully completing roofing projects of all sizes and complexities.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of roof trusses and their applications is essential for making informed decisions about your roofing needs. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an existing structure, choosing the right roof truss design can contribute to the structural integrity, aesthetic appeal, and functionality of your roof. When it comes to professional roofing services in Dayton and Columbus, OH, Kerrigan Roofing stands out as a trusted partner that you can rely on for quality workmanship, exceptional service, and peace of mind throughout the roofing process.

In summary, the types of roof trusses available offer a wide range of options to accommodate various architectural styles, roof spans, and load requirements. By understanding the characteristics and applications of different truss designs, you can select the most suitable option for your building project. Whether you opt for a traditional king post truss, a modern parallel chord truss, or a specialized attic truss, the right choice will contribute to the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of your roof.

When it comes to installing or replacing roof trusses in Dayton and Columbus, OH, Kerrigan Roofing is the go-to roofing contractor known for its expertise, quality workmanship, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With a focus on professionalism, reliability, and excellence, Kerrigan Roofing is dedicated to delivering roofing solutions that meet and exceed your expectations.

If you are in need of roof truss installation, replacement, or repair services, contact Kerrigan Roofing today to discuss your roofing project and schedule a consultation. With Kerrigan Roofing, you can trust that your roof trusses will be installed with precision, care, and attention to detail, ensuring a durable and reliable roof structure for years to come.

Choose Kerrigan Roofing for all your roofing needs in Dayton and Columbus, OH, and experience the difference that quality craftsmanship and exceptional service can make in enhancing the beauty and functionality of your roof. Let Kerrigan Roofing be your trusted partner in creating a roof that provides lasting protection and peace of mind for your home or building.

Tyler Larson


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